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Tour de Quatro Lagos

Prescott sports six lakes--all man made (such is a necessity in the arid Arizona central highlands). Two are in the Prescott National Forest (Lynx Lake and Granite Basin Lake), three are part of the City of Prescott (Goldwater Lake, Willow Lake and Watson Lake) and one is private (Hassayampa Lake).  All except Hassayampa are accessible by paved road. (That will be another riding adventure.) My colleague, friend and riding buddy Curtis Kleinman and I took off at eight this morning to attempt our "Tour de Los Lagos"--a 50+ mile loop to all the asphalt-approachable lochs. Granite Creek, from a bridge on a trial, as it enters Watson Lake. Our first destination is Granite Basin Lake.  The cool morning weather is inviting.  Eight miles after leaving Yavapai College's Prescott Campus, we start a formidable climb to 6,000 feet, then drop down into shade provided by the dense Ponderosa pine forest.  A small lake, the view is striking as the granite cliffs rise steeply fr...

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